Tag Archives: burn injury

Degrees of a Burn Injury

8 Nov

Burn injuries can come in different degrees of seriousness. They are categorized according to the level of damage and the treatment that will need to be implemented. A first degree burn is the lowest level and this type may be possible to treat at home. After that, the severity will continue to climb and higher degrees will require mandatory and immediate medical attention. A first degree burn will mostly just affect the outer layer of the dermis. It is common for a reddening of the skin to occur, and it can be painful. It will typically not last long and can be expected to heal within a week’s time.

After this, is a second degree burn which can come in two stages. A superficial partial thickness second degree burn will involve those that go through the epidermis to the underlying superficial dermis level. This will be evidences by swelling, redness, blanching of the skin and blisters, along with a wet look to the skin. It will be between two to three weeks to heal this. A deep partial thickness second degree burn will go further to the reticular dermis, appearing red or white and having bloody blisters at the site. It will also be moist and painful, and has the potential to cause scarring. A third degree burn moves through the layer of fat below the dermis. This can damage nerves in the area, making this injury not as painful initially. Skin will often have the look of being leathery, waxy or generally stiff. The skin can be so damaged to the point that it is irreparable and will need excision.

A fourth degree burn is the most severe and this will without a doubt need emergency treatment. The harm can go through the skin, fat and to the muscle and bones below. It is likely for the damage to never be fully recovered from, rather a victim will have to learn how to live with the new change. In these situations it may be necessary for the area to be amputated completely. A fourth degree burn can also potentially lead to death. For lesser degree burns that do not heal on their own after a few weeks, medical attention should be sought, as well as if the symptoms worsen or new ones develop. There are many causes that can be the source of a burn, from radiation to electricity. For those that have been burned at the fault of another. There may be a right to compensation. You can have your case reviewed by an attorney from the Law Office of Jason T. Corsover to help asses if you have grounds for a personal injury case, and if so, how much you may be owed.